Sugar Sammy teaches us (again) the lesson

Sugar Sammy, the Quebec humorist who hates Quebec laws 96 and 21 and who calls Quebecers who want to be served in French in Quebec “maniacs,” is touring Quebec.

On May 5, he started the tour of his bilingual show you’re gonna laugh 2which will travel from Quebec to Gatineau, from Trois-Rivières to Magog, from Montreal to Sherbrooke.

Owl!, we will be able to lecture ourselves in both official languages ​​of Canada.


Sugar Sammy gave a long interview to The Press. To the journalist who wondered “Does he understand this concern about the fate of our language?”, he declared: “Yes and I find that the French language must be protected. I don’t think the threat comes from English or immigration. Do you want people from other backgrounds to be interested in French? Make sure that people like me can be more present in Quebec culture, speaking it.

But hidden behind the subject of language, we want these people to be “more Quebecois”. So here is a charter, here is Bill 21… It’s not the language, it’s the Quebec culture of yesteryear that we want to preserve. And I think culture changes all the time. »

If French in Quebec is not threatened by English, then what the hell is it threatened by? By Serbo-Croatian, Javanese or even Gujarati? Is there a wave of francophones in Quebec who have started speaking Hausa or Telugu without anyone having heard of it? Is Sugar Sammy aware that young Quebecers who speak the language of Netflix, Amazon and YouTube don’t watch any Quebec TV? But shouldn’t we say that English threatens French?

Misery, Quebec is a small French-speaking state, in the middle of a predominantly English-speaking country, next to an English-speaking giant, but it is not English that is a threat to French?

I don’t know who the push of Sugar Sammy but he smokes good to deny the global influence of English…

French is not in danger because of immigration? Even if this immigration is mostly non-francophone? Even if our francization capacities are exceeded?

Why does Sugar Sammy link French to “old Quebec culture”? Is it archaic, outdated, cheesy and old-fashioned to want to keep the language of Miron and Tremblay?

I’m getting sick of being accused of “withdrawal” every time we stand up and demand a little respect for who we are.


Sugar Sammy has already sold more than 70,000 tickets for his tour, several dates are sold out and additional ones are already announced.

To paraphrase the famous Peregrine Falcon commercial, I would say that Sugar Sammy, “really top comedian sickis known to be quite chill. Because he is great quick on stage, he can spend most of his time watcher his audience looking down on him. And because his skills in humor are insanethe future of Sugar Sammy is anything but sketch“.

But I would add that we are not enough crazy to buy the bullshit by Sugar Sammy on language and immigration.

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