suffering from double glaucoma, Elisabeth Quin makes a sad revelation in the middle of an interview

Since 2012, Elisabeth Quin has presented the program “28 minutes” on Arte. If the program had a hard time getting started at the time, it is now a real success for the channel. In January 2022, the 60-year-old journalist spoke in a rare interview to confide in her health concerns. Suffering from double glaucoma which considerably reduces her field of vision and which “makes her almost blind at night or in the face of strong light”.

Elisabeth Quin then explained that the channel did not hesitate to make adaptations on the set so that she could work without difficulty. “In recent months, we found a way to stop putting the spotlight in my face. Before that, it was very painful. I felt like I had daggers in my eyes” she revealed .

“I had two stents placed on my left side to lower the intraocular pressure. What I lost, I will never recover. I can’t see any more clearly, but that doesn’t prevent me from doing my job ” she added visibly optimistic.

“The disease has gained ground…”
This Thursday, April 27, 2023, Elisabeth Quin was the guest of “Buzz TV” for TV Magazine. The opportunity for her to thank the Arte channel for making her a star host. “I’m not a spring chicken. I’ve had gray hair for years and I’m full of gratitude for Arte, which put on the air at 8:05 p.m. a girl who was 60 when we were still in fighting for the visibility of women who are over 50 in cinema, on television”.

The one who is also a writer then spoke of her illness. “The disease has gained ground in the left eye but has stabilized despite everything thanks to the excellent care I am receiving at the hospital,” she confessed before adding: “It’s a silent disease that breaks out without you knowing it. I discovered it by chance and much too late. The disease was already very serious”.

Once again, measures were taken on set to facilitate his work: I am photophobic and the blinding lights are complicated. At work, I write very big on my cards, the teleprompter is huge and we manage…”.


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