(New York) L’icône de la pop Elton John a annoncé mardi sur son compte Instagram avoir été testé positif à la COVID-19 et annuler deux concerts prévus à Dallas, dans le sud des États-Unis, dans le cadre de sa tournée mondiale d’adieu.
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« J’ai contracté la COVID-19 et je dois donc reprogrammer mes concerts à Dallas », prévus mardi et mercredi, a écrit le chanteur âgé de 74 ans.

Message du chanteur publié en story sur Instagram
« Heureusement, je suis pleinement vacciné et j’ai reçu un rappel, et mes symptômes sont légers donc je suis persuadé d’être en mesure de faire mon concert » samedi à North Little Rock, dans l’Arkansas, a ajouté Sir Elton John.
« C’est toujours une immense déception de reporter des concerts […] but I want to ensure my safety and that of my team,” he explained.
The two Dallas concerts will be rescheduled and ticket holders will be contacted very quickly, said the interpreter of Candle in the Wind.
The superstar with eccentric outfits had started his farewell tour called Farewell Yellow Brick Road in 2018, planning more than 300 dates in three years around the world, before it was disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.
In September 2021, he had released The Lockdown Sessions, a new album composed entirely of collaborations with young artists.
The singer has also postponed his October 2021 tour for three months due to hip surgery. He returned to the stage in January.
Author of songs such as I’m Still Standing, Your Song Where crocodile rock, Elton John has sold more than 300 million records worldwide, given more than 3,500 concerts, and had a film dedicated to his life, Rocketman, in 2019.