Suffering from cancer | Florent Pagny gives reassuring news

(Paris) Florent Pagny, suffering from a cancerous tumor in the lung, gave reassuring news, revealing Thursday that his disease is treated “from the start” and “very isolated”.

Posted at 4:03 p.m.

The popular singer, guest in the 8 p.m. newspaper of TF1, insisted on the “boxes” which “are rather good”. His cancerous tumor, which he had made public on January 25 on his social networks, was discovered “very early”. “I’m at degree one, it’s something I’ve had for between three and six months, it’s very young,” he revealed, appearing in good shape on the TV set.

The interpreter of Know how to love said he had “one tumor, no metastases, nothing in other organs, that’s second really good news.”

“We cannot operate (which he had already announced), because (the tumor) divides very quickly, there are many risks that it will spread to other organs”, he said. detailed. But “today there are really good treatments, chemo, the immunotherapy which accompanies it which is more and more effective, and the rays will also help to solve”.

“When it’s taken from the start and it’s very isolated, I only see the good side,” he said. The singer admits, however, that the bad news “stunned” him before he took into account all the other “parameters”.

The sexagenarian has “started chemo and it’s going pretty well”, he “collects it pretty well”.

Florent Pagny claims to have “good morale” and to have received a “tsunami of love” with the messages of support that have reached him.

But he was cautious about his possible presence in the spring for the live broadcasts of The Voice, reality show where he is a juror. “I still have six months of chemo, I’ll finish in May”, “in May maybe I’m impeccable or maybe in May I’m tired, we’ll organize ourselves”. The programs that will be broadcast by then are already recorded.

His illness led him to cancel the remaining thirty concerts of his 60th anniversary tour, which was to stretch until July 2022.

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