Suffering from a neurological disease | The National Assembly behind Celine Dion

(Quebec) The elected members of the National Assembly line up behind Celine Dion and wish her a speedy recovery. Prime Minister François Legault hopes that she will be able to start her tour again as “quickly as possible”, and the Minister of Culture is sending her “positive vibes”.

“We obviously wish Celine Dion a good recovery,” said Mr. Legault in an improvised press scrum Thursday as he headed to question period.

“He is a huge star, who comes from Charlemagne, in the county of l’Assomption, in my county. We are so proud of her, we hope she will be able to start her tour again as soon as possible, ”he added.

In the morning, Celine Dion announced in a video to be suffering from a rare neurological disease and added that she will be unable to resume her world tour of shows next February, in Europe.

The Minister of Culture Mathieu Lacombe was touched by the exit of the singer. “I saw the video she posted this morning. It is sure that when we listen to it, we have a twinge in the heart. Celine is Celine,” he said.

Mr. Lacombe claims to be “personally” touched by the news, since he is “native of Charlemagne” and that he “grew up opposite” Celine Dion’s childhood home. The Minister’s mother even attended primary school at the same time as Dion, he revealed.

“We bonded a lot. This is not pleasant news to hear this morning, but I think first of all of his family. To see the emotion that there was in her video, we understand that it is not easy for her and her loved ones, ”added Mr. Lacombe.

Inspirational example

He claimed that Dion was an “inspiring example” for Quebec and that she is proof that “when you want to do great things, you are able to do it”. “We wish her all the best and we hope she will come back to us in good shape,” he said.

Same story on the side of the opposition parties. Québec solidaire MP Vincent Marissal also had words of encouragement for this “national monument”. “It’s a little outside my field of expertise, the artistic field, but look, we can’t be insensitive to that. Céline is a national monument. We obviously wish him the best of luck,” he said.

“I don’t know the exact nature of the disease that she was diagnosed with, but I think that we can collectively wish good courage and then good luck, in this, wishing to see her again and above all to hear her soon”, a he asserted.

The PQ leader added. “We hope she will recover. But we are wholeheartedly with her, that’s the main thing,” said Paul St-Pierre Plamondon. The interim Liberal leader, Marc Tanguay, added that the situation saddens him. “It’s sad, honestly. We will wish him the best of luck and a speedy recovery. Here it is,” he said.

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