Suffered from lung cancer, Jean-Pierre Pernaut is annoyed: “I was stupid”

The sad news broke last week. Monday, November 22, 2021, the former presenter of the TF1 newscast, Jean-Pierre Pernaut, announced that he had lung cancer. A new ordeal for the husband of Nathalie Marquay who has already fought against prostate cancer. “I learned of this disease last May. I underwent a first operation at the beginning of July, a treatment which has continued for a few weeks. Everything is fine for the moment. We are monitoring. Everything is under control”, a- he explained in a video posted on Twitter. Jean-Pierre Pernaut then added: “I waited a while to talk about it. If I talk about it, first of all I think that we should not be afraid of cancer; I had one: the prostate, you know. I talked about it to try to improve prevention. Same thing with the lung, I thought it only happened to others for years and years. “

For his part, his wife Nathalie Marquay gave more details about the medical follow-up of the presenter. Last week, in “Touche pas à mon poste”, the former Miss France declared: “There, in September, it attacked the other lung. On the other hand, it was a little more intense, because it was a little bigger. And so there, it is clear that we cannot go through an operation again because it is much too heavy. So there, he is doing radiotherapy “.

Not very reassuring news even if the relatives of Jean-Pierre Pernaut assures him, he has a “morale of steel”. Optimistic by nature, Jean-Pierre Pernaut has not said his last word in the face of cancer. Even though today, he regrets not having quit smoking earlier. “For years, I was told to quit smoking and I did not believe it. I should have stopped,” laments the dad of Julia, Lou, Olivier and Tom. This Monday, November 29, 2021, on RTL, Jean-Pierre Pernaut once again said: “I am talking about it because 80% of this lung cancer comes from tobacco. Throughout my life, I have smoked. Well , I fell into the trap “. Whoever smoked up to two packs a day now wants to talk about his fight in order to alert on the risks of cigarette consumption. “I say it, I was just stupid,” he concluded.


See also: Jean-Pierre Pernaut unveils Emmanuel Macron’s salary

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