Sudan: the testimony of French evacuees after a dangerous military operation


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

M. de Chalvron, G. Messina, N. Bertrand, L. Barbier – France 3

France Televisions

All day, Monday, April 24, the French soldiers continued the evacuations in Sudan. A complex and very risky operation to shelter nearly 400 people.

In a plane in the middle of the night, on the tarmac of the French military base in Djibouti, dozens of French nationals have barely emerged from hell. They were trapped in Khartoum (Sudan) in a city at war, for almost a week. Until the end, they feared for their lives. Some were targeted by militiamen during their evacuation. “We heard a shooting (…), so we took refuge inside the house where we were all. Surely they didn’t see the buses and they saw armed people coming at them, there was a misunderstanding somewhere. As a result, there were shots, responses and two wounded at home”, says Frédéric Blanchon, a French evacuee from Sudan.

The perilous operation mobilized 150 soldiers

The two wounded would be French soldiers whose vital prognosis would no longer be engaged. The French authorities do not confirm the information for the moment. The evacuation operation was extremely dangerous, mobilizing 150 French soldiers. Abusufian is Franco-Sudanese. He left his home in the middle of the night to join one of the rallying points given by the French Embassy. His convoy managed to reach a military airport without incident.

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