Success for the first sale of books and CDs at the Pau departmental library

We did not expect such a success!“smiles Natacha Chartier, director of the Pau departmental library. The opening of the sale of CDs and books was set at 9 a.m., there was a queue in front of the entrance from 8:30 a.m. The organizers managed the crowds as well as possible. by regularly filling the boxes with books so that there is a choice at any time of the day of this Saturday. The money collected is donated to the parents’ association of the school from 4 corners of the world, in Pau.

Detective novels, comics, children’s books and classics

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Prices between 0.50€ and 2€

Natacha Cartier explains that the prices are low because the funds are donated to the parents’ association of the school from all over the world, but also because it is the interest of this kind of clearance sale: “The idea is to be in contact with the public and to promote the circular economy, so that as many books as possible can be recovered by the public and that we have access to culture for all.” The choice and the good weather will also undoubtedly have contributed to the success of the operation which was a first edition.

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