Subtitles suck | The Press

(Paris) “So why is the film subtitled? » The question came from a spectator, at the end of the screening of Humanist vampire seeking consenting suicide by Ariane Louis-Seize, previewed last Friday at the UGC Ciné Cité Les Halles cinema in Paris.

I smiled at this “suddenly”, a Franco-French language tic that we didn’t notice 20 years ago, before realizing that the viewer was fooling us. He was a Quebecer living in Paris who wondered why films made in the “Belle Province” are subtitled in France while those from Senegal, for example, are not.

We speak the same language, he said in substance, being surprised that The successor by Frenchman Xavier Legrand, currently showing in France, is not subtitled even though it is also set in Quebec and stars Marc-André Grondin, without a French accent for three-quarters of the film. Why double standards?

On stage, in front of this large packed room of some 500 spectators, Ariane Louis-Seize was visibly bored. This decision was not her responsibility, she clarified, before her distributor came to her aid to justify the subtitles.

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