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Rural territories sometimes seem to be forgotten in the presidential campaign. AT Pipriac (Ille-et-Vilaine), residents have pointed out the fundamental subjects that they believe must be addressed.
The France Télévisons teams went to Pipriac (Ille-et-Vilaine), a town of 4,000 inhabitants, to question the French about their concerns. Because voters find it difficult to take an interest in the presidential campaign, which they consider boring and disappointing. “They do not make us want, there is not one to catch up with the other”, believes Ludivine Jouadé, beautician. In rural areas, however, there are many causes to defend. “We hear a lot of personalities from the 16th [arrondissement] in Paris to be scandalized by hunting, intensive agriculture, but the problems in the 16th arrondissement are not the same as in the countryside”says Nicolas Gorin, pig breeder and arborist.
At Pipriac, the environment is a priority, but to each his own. For Cyril Bonno, municipal agent, pesticides must be banned. Nicolas Gorin, he wants to give breeders the means to evolve, without stigmatizing them. “We care a lot about the well-being of the animals. The well-being of the breeder, it will come after”he laments, recalling that we do not change an intensive system “overnight”. Transport is also a major concern. “What should be done is that everyone has a job near their home”argues Marc Gueutier, building contractor, who wants “bringing people closer to their workplace”.