“It’s very serious. The people who did this are executioners”, is moved André, a resident of Saint-Côme-du-Mont, near Carentan. The day before, November 9, the mayor of the town, Bernard Denis, was found in a field, wounded in the head, nails driven into the fists and feet.
Most residents learned the news this Thursday morning, like this resident: “A relative warned me. I have no words (…)
I am shocked because Bernard Denis is an adorable person, who gives a lot for us.”
The locals indeed depict an aedile “very available, who always takes care of people’s problems”.
It was a farmer who discovered the injured in a field. Heard by the gendarmes in the process, the man, “very shocked” according to his family, does not wish to speak. The nature of the injuries horrifies Saint-Côme-du-Mont. It also echoes facts already targeting Bernard Denis for a year.
Previous assaults and… a lie
On the night of December 6 to 7, 2021, three vehicles belonging to him were set on fire
at his home with political tags, seeming to reproach him for his sponsorship of Emmanuel Macron for the Presidential. At the beginning of 2022, the mayor had filed a complaint for death threats received by mail, then repeated on the wall of his house
, always on a political background. Cases closed without follow-up, “for failure to identify a potential author”according to the public prosecutor of Coutances.
© Radio France
Esteban Pinel
But last June, the elected official also admitted having lied about a new attack. He had indicated that shots had targeted his van. A lie which will make him appear soon for denunciations of imaginary facts. In the village, the inhabitants we met support Bernard Denis and only see the hypothesis of an attack:
Maybe we know the attacker. in a small village, it’s a little bit scary.”
This series of attacks against the first magistrate of Saint-Côme-du-Mont makes André suspect that a mysterious story hangs over Bernard Denis. “The people who did this wanted to see him suffer. People want him. It’s still weird. What is behind all this?__” This new episode of violence in any case amazes the town, which hopes for explanations and that its mayor “get better”.