Stunned by a video of Illan Castronovo, rapper Booba capitulates!

Illan Castronovo continues to play the provocateurs. While the reality TV candidate is the target of complaints filed by two young women for sexual assault in 2018 according to Le Parisien, the 29-year-old continues to want to make his subscribers laugh on the Web.

The proof, Thursday January 5, 2023, Illan Castronovo shared a video on TikTok in which he plays the coaches in seduction. “I’ve spent my whole life seducing, charming, flirting with girls. If I had made it my job, I would already be a billionaire. I’ve always had a gift for that. With experience, I became unbeatable on the subject. I’ve spent my whole life studying ways to seduce a woman. […] I became the best in the field. I proved it during all these years that I spent on TV and on the networks “he explains in the preamble before affirming that there is “than the cup which he did not lift”.

At the end of the video, Illan then concludes by explaining that he wishes to share his advice as a seducer: “Do you want me to share my secrets with you? So join me here, I’m going to reveal 23 years of experience with girls and I guarantee you that after that you will find the chosen one of your heart or the chosen one of your night »he says.

A video that was quick to react to Internet users… Starting with the rapper Booba who expressed himself as usual on Twitter! “3:44 a.m. I get up to go pee I come across this, it’s ok I did what I could, I give up the fight for the state to do its job this video exhausted me mentally I can’t anymore. Strength to you…”wrote the rapper.

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