Stung by Léa Salamé, a famous comedian gets carried away and responds to the host!

Some guests are a godsend for a TV show. With his valves that fuse and his acerbic humor, Fabrice Éboué is one of them. Last night in “What a time!” on France 2, Léa Salamé received the comedian who is currently promoting his one man show called “Adieu Hier”.

The journalist who became known on the continuous news channels France 24 and I-Télé between 2006 and 2014 presented her guest by comparing him to Philippe Caverivière, the comedian who provides two chronicles on the show. “Fabrice Éboué, you are the man who goes even further than Philippe Caverivière. It’s not me who said that, it’s Pascal Obispo. I met him on a station platform, during the All Saints holidays, we discussed”she explains.

Neither one nor two, Fabrice Éboué takes the opportunity to slip a spade to the singer. “I was told it was a nerd show, we start with Obispo… But then we can go”, laughs the comedian. Not really knowing how to take this remark, Fabrice Eboué then explains that it is very difficult for him to place himself in the flood of comedians, especially if we take into account those before: “Listen, I don’t know, compared to who, compared to what era? Compared to our times…“, he underlines. “Ah yes, compared to our time. Before, you were a small player…”, justifies Léa Salamé. This remark immediately piques the comedian who reacts in stride: “Thank you, it’s a program that is full of compliments”he says ironically before concluding with a bang: “Because we start with ‘little player’ two minutes into the show, and we end up with ‘little dick’ at the end”.

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