Stung by BHL on the war in Ukraine, Dominique de Villepin leaves the set of France 2

This February 24, they both participated in the special program Ukraine: the war in Europe, broadcast on France 2. With the Russian bombardments launched by Vladimir Putin on the border state, the public service channel had to upset its programs. Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier therefore canceled the visit of Marine Le Pen to Elysee 2022to host experts on the conflict in the region.

On one side Dominique de Villepin, the former Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the other Bernard-Henri Lévy, a committed philosopher. Thanks to his presence in Ukraine during the February 2014 revolution, the latter intervened in the middle of the show.

He felt that France had backed down for 20 years before Putin, and that we are living today the result of a lack of firmness in relation to the president. And to add: “Putin’s regime is built on war, that’s the only thing he knows how to do, he doesn’t know how to build an economy, he doesn’t know how to build a democracy… Playing chess, judo, re-engaging diplomacy, or not taking sides, these are the mistakes of the past“.

>> See also: War in Ukraine: The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin is at the head of a colossal fortune!

Facing him, Dominique de Villepin argued against an intervention, explaining to BHL: “Let’s not forget the suffering that we have inflicted by military interventions with no way out!“. For the man of the “no“To the war in Iraq, it is better to choose the diplomatic way to solve the crisis in Ukraine.

And to tackle his rival: “I don’t believe posture on TV sets is the right answer“. In return, Arielle Dombasle’s husband quipped: “I see you in a position that does not seem to me likely to calm the situation“. Result: Dominique de Villepin left the set, while Léa Salamé observed: “We won’t reconcile you tonight“.


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