Study on violence in Montréal-Nord | “Very worrying”, says the borough mayor

The mayoress of Montreal-North Christine Black believes that a recent study on violence in her borough should encourage the public authorities to make more investments there.

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

The report, commissioned from sociologists by the district, concludes that insecurity is increasing among young people in the neighborhood, who have little or no trust in the authorities. Young girls are particularly likely to feel unsafe in the public spaces of Montreal-North.

“What there is in the study reflects exactly what we see on the ground, which is to say an increase in violent events,” she said. “It is very worrying. The newly re-elected mayoress points out in particular “the trivialization of firearms, the trivialization of violence”.

The study was commissioned by Montréal-Nord in order to have a new diagnosis of the violence perpetrated and suffered by young people in its territory.

“It sheds light on all the needs that we have as a borough. As we know, the eastern boroughs were less well stocked in terms of resources, ”said Black. “We have less equipment, we have fewer parks. She claims in particular a large sports center for Montreal-North.

As for the bond of trust between police and young people, Mayoress Black argues that there is still a lot of work to be done. However, tools could help, in his opinion: “It’s been several years since Ensemble Montreal [sa formation politique] asks for body cameras, all of this can improve the bond of trust with the police ”.

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