Study class for the Section in Mayol

And that we know, it is not forbidden to wear one’s know-how, while looking at what is done best elsewhere, in order to transpose it into one’s own plan. Do we still have to be humble and sometimes accept to learn from others? And for the past few weeks, what RC Toulon has produced has been inspiring to say the least. There are the stars, the budget of more than 30 million, but for the rest in terms of structures, men (staff, governance) and know-how the two clubs are closer than one might think. And over this season, the two teams have each shown in turn that they are capable of resilience.

Except that Toulon has been on the floor for 5 matches with 5 consecutive victories and still in the race for the Top 6. This is where interests diverge. On the one hand a team that has everything to gain and on the other a group that has nothing left to play for. Honour, jersey, Béarnaise values, and a reaction of pride will they be enough not to sink against Toulon and their arsenal? The Section, in Study Class for 10 months with good results and good assessments, must do everything not to take a lesson. Our Consultants, Franck Rollès, Jean-Marc Souverbie and Damien Traille tell us how to go about it…

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