Study: Canada is the 7th best country for car enthusiasts

The passion for cars, driving and motor racing manifests itself in many ways. Fans here are quite pampered, as shown by a new study by the British site

Canada ranks seventh among some 40 countries evaluated around the world based on criteria such as the quality of roads, the average price of gasoline and the number of motoring events and circuits.

The United States sits in first place with a good lead over France and the United Kingdom, which share second place. They are followed by Spain, Australia and Germany. Some will be surprised to see that Canada is ahead of Italy, Japan and Mexico, which close out the top 10.

Our neighbors to the south are fortunate to drive on better roads than in the vast majority of other countries and to pay less for their fuel too. No less than 11 different circuits have hosted a Formula 1 race, a peak, while 406 motoring events are to come in the calendar, far ahead of all the others.

Italy is the country that has had the most F1 Grand Prix (76) and World Rally Championship events (50), but its petrol more expensive than elsewhere and the poor quality of its roads in general relegated her further down the rankings.

Speaking of roads, if we rely on this study, it is in the Netherlands that we find the most beautiful, then in Switzerland and Japan. Canada, despite what one might think seeing the lamentable state of several arteries in Montreal, is in the good average.

The Guide confides: the best country to drive in

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