study a blob at home


France 3

Article written by

B. Aparis, S. Giaume, D. Gac, F. Goncalves – France 3

France Televisions

The CNRS is looking for 10,000 volunteers to breed blobs. This strange and fascinating organism is a curiosity of nature. He is able to learn, even without a brain.

The house cat has the feeling of being neglected. Since the summer, the competition has been fierce, with the blob that fits in small boxes. Titouan, 12, and Marin, 8, are only interested in this thing, neither animal, nor vegetable, nor mushroom, but the blob fascinates.

This unicellular organism is fed on oatmeal, sometimes on mushrooms, but not only. Too cramped, he tries to escape. And when he eats blue-tinted flakes, he changes color. Another experience: a Lego labyrinth with, at the end of the day, other oatmeal. The blob is definitely adopted by Titouan. “I would be sad to have no more blob“, admits the young man. The blob has seized many classes which raise blobs and carry out the same experiments as the astronaut Thomas Pesquet, in the International Space Station. The CNRS calls on 10 000 amateur scientists to study there the consequences of global warming.


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