studies carried out to seek solar energy in space



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – N.Chateauneuf

France Televisions

In order to have more efficient renewable energies, we are increasingly interested in solar energy that we would seek from space. Journalist Nicolas Chateauneuf, present on the 20 Heures set, Thursday September 28, discusses this astonishing initiative.

In the quest for energies always renewable more efficient in getting out of hydrocarbons, we are increasingly interested in solar energy that we would seek from space. It’s true that it’s surprising, but the European Space Agency is working on it, NASA also just like China and the United Kingdom”indicates journalist Nicolas Chateauneufpresent on the 20 Heures set, Thursday September 28.

“On Earth, solar power has limits”

For what ? Because on Earth, solar power has limits. First, the atmosphere filters half of the energy that comes to us from the Sun, and then the solar panels are intermittent.continues the journalist. “The idea is to assemble a seven-kilometer-long solar power plant in high orbit“, specifies Nicolas Chateauneuf. The solar energy is then transformed into a beam of microwaves directed towards the Earth. On the ground, you will have a receiver with a diameter of six kilometers which is made up of antennas which recover the wave beam with an efficiency of 85%and that go convert it into electricity“, he explains.

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