Students, teachers and parents exhausted

We learn that a new offer is being studied, fingers crossed. Despite everything, this strike will mark history, particularly for its duration, almost a month of continuous strike.

• Read also: Negotiations in the public sector: new offer from Quebec to teachers

Historic strike

This is excessively long for students who are clearly experiencing impacts on their school career, their learning and their lifestyle.

The impact is also significant on teachers who are on the picket lines without pay. It’s spectacular, going so long without pay, it’s easy to imagine that times are difficult for these families.

Finally, for parents who juggle a hellish daily life between work and children, it is a nightmare for many.

The government stretched the negotiations

But how did we get here? The agreements expired a year ago, and we have been talking for several months. Strike votes were taken before summer in many cases. Why did the government wait until the last minute to seriously negotiate? Why are there so few negotiation dates before the start of the strikes? Why did he wait until the strikes began in order to start real negotiations? It remains inexplicable.

Because, let’s be serious, the initial offer of a 9% increase over five years was frankly laughable. The police refused 21% and the deputies voted 30%. And that’s without mentioning the crux of the problem of recognizing class composition.

It is not for nothing that, despite nearly four weeks of strike, the support of Quebecers and parents is still so high in the face of the teachers’ strike which hurts everyone. Parents see that their public school is failing and that the children do not have access to basic services. Parents recognize the fight of teachers to preserve public schools.

Valérie Plante supports the strikers

Valérie Plante expressed what a majority of Quebecers think: “I want to tell all those who are currently using pressure tactics that we are behind them.”

I would add: thank you for fighting to preserve our crumbling public services.

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