students occupy La Sorbonne University to denounce the “horrible” choice between Macron and Le Pen

All the doors of the Sorbonne University have been blocked since the afternoon of Wednesday April 13. Five hundred students voted for the occupation, and are angry at the Macron-Le Pen duel in the second round of the presidential election. Unlike in 2002, there have been no major demonstrations since the announcement of the results on Sunday evening. But a movement is taking shape within certain high schools and certain universities.

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“You have to choose between neoliberal radicalism or fascist radicalism, and that’s horrible”, says Julian. The student therefore supports the movement that is emerging at the Sorbonne, but others complain a little against the method, a few days before the finals. Their faculty is evacuated. We had to take English lessons in a bistro. “So we talked more and drank a little coffee”explains a student.

Suddenly, a door finally opens:Are you coming back or not? In the amphitheater, full to bursting, the general assemblies follow one another. The cancellation of classes at least until Monday is decided, sleeping on site too. At the heart of the movement, there is this question: how to position yourself, when you are 20 years old and have voted Mélenchon in the first round? “To block Le Pen or not to vote at all? That’s the big question here”exposes a student.

Within the University of La Sorbonne occupied by students who are angry at the duel Macron-Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election, Wednesday, April 13.  (AGATHE MAHUET / RADIO FRANCE)

In the meantime, dinner is organized. “We opened the distributor and we give to everyone to share”, describes a student. Some dream of occupying the university until April 24th. The Sorbonne announces for its part, given the events, that it will remain closed Thursday, April 14 and until further notice.

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