struck by the disease, Sylvie Tellier makes a sad announcement on Instagram

Sad news for Sylvie Tellier! This Wednesday, February 2, the director of the Miss France committee spoke on her account instagram to announce the disappearance of a family member. Unfortunately, his mother-in-law (the mother of his companion Laurent, editor’s note) died of an illness. A brutal loss! “Words fail me, our clan is losing a granny, a mother, a friend, a wonder woman who fought like a lioness against the disease but who chose to fly away so as not to see us suffer more. separates but we keep his love and his sweetness for all our life. To all the families who fight against the disease, take advantage of every moment, take care of their love “she wrote very moved, in the caption of three photos on which her grandmother appears.

She spoke about the controversy over the salary of contenders for Miss France

guest of It’s up to you on France 5, Tuesday, February 1, Sylvie Tellier spoke about the novelty of the latest edition of the Miss France competition. The 29 contenders for the title have benefited from a new employment contract and minimum wage. They were paid 84 euros per day, or 252 euros net, the equivalent of the Smic for a status of extras.

“Today the production is changing, and because the Miss France show required a work contract. They were paid minimum wage. Be careful not to devalue the people who are paid, because there are a lot of them”, said the former beauty queen.

“I think we don’t do Miss France for the salary. We do Miss France to take advantage of an exceptional springboard, to live a dream (…) She has now allowed young women to be paid two days. Before, it didn’t exist. So it’s a plus for her. But we don’t come here for the money”, she said to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

See also: Sylvie Tellier’s mountain vacation turns into a nightmare: the Miss of Misses finds herself in a complicated state…


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