Strongly Sunday: Who are Michel Drucker’s guests on September 18, 2022?

It is now on France 3 that Michel Drucker gives viewers an appointment once a week to follow his program Can’t wait for Sunday. A new channel but also a new schedule since you have to connect from 1.30 p.m. to follow 1.5 hours of program without advertising breaks.

In the first part, the host receives in his program as main guest Chantal Ladesou. The actress currently on the air every week on TF1 for the fourth season of Mask Singer made the trip with a very special person, namely his daughter Clémence Ansault who is also an actress. They also gave the reply in 2021 in the film Great-hero in spite of himself by Philippe Lacheau. Mother and daughter will also be accompanied by Michel Ansault, Clémence’s father and Chantal Ladesou’s husband. The couple together for many, many years had two other children together, Julien and Alix (who died at the age of 21). Over time, Michel Ansault became Chantal Ladesou’s manager.

The rest of the show will highlight Gérard Darmon, who is on the bill for the play A delicate situation, at the Edouard VII theater in Paris from 27 September. Elodie Navarre will also join the set, she who has multiplied successful TV movies in recent years like The women of the square or Notre Dame is burning. She was announced in the casting of the new feature film Flush by Gregory Morin.

Michel Drucker will then discover the universe of Nathan Devers, this young and promising writer, philosopher by training. He is releasing a new and third novel titled Artificial Links. This is the story of Julien, to whom nothing succeeds, who immerses himself in the parallel universe – or the metaverse – invented by a genius of the Internet of the near future.

Finally, Olivier de Benoist will come to present his new show, The youngestfor which he will begin a tour at the beginning of the year 2023. He will talk about his experience as a dad through a multitude of hilarious advice.

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