Strongly Sunday: Hugues Aufray accomplice with his young companion, a former guest of The Voice

On April 24, 2022, Michel Drucker will present a new issue of Can’t wait for Sunday and Roll on next Sunday. In the first part of the afternoon, the host will receive Laurent Voulzy and Hugues Aufray. The two singers have been back on stage since the beginning of April on the occasion of a tour throughout France for a series of concerts in cathedrals and churches. Hugues Aufray will be on the show accompanied by his young companion Muriel Megevand.

Michel Drucker will then completely change register by welcoming on his red sofa Sergei Jirnov. On March 23, it was released in bookstores the scouthis latest book in which he recounts his journey as a spy within the famous Russian intelligence service, the KGB.

In Roll on next Sunday, it is Michèle Laroque who will come to talk about her news. The actress is soon back in theaters with her new film Tenor, by Claude Zidi Jr. expected on May 4 at the cinema. It’s the story of a suburban rapper who becomes an opera singer, pushed by his teacher, played by Michèle Laroque. In the role of the young prodigy, we will find MB14, which is far from unknown to the general public. And for good reason, he participated twice in The Voicein 2016 then in the All Stars edition in 2021. Each time, Mohamed Belkhir of his real name reached the final.

The duo will be followed by Isabelle Boulay, who is celebrating her 50-year career. The companion of Eric Dupond-Moretti will go up on the mythical stage of the Olympia on July 6 to perform his greatest songs on this occasion. Anne Roumanoff is on her side on tour throughout France, with her new show Everything is almost fine. The comedian Arthur Dupont will talk about the return of the popular series The Little Murders of Agatha Christie. A new episode will be broadcast on Friday April 29 on France 2. Finally, the novelist Diane Ducret will present Does power have a gender?a documentary series that questions in particular the place of women in political life.

Can’t wait for Sunday from 3:10 p.m. on France 2 on April 24, 2022.

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