stronger links between France and Ireland

This article is over a year old.

New direct ferry connections, modification of trade routes: two years after the official exit of Great Britain from the European Union, Ireland is taking the opportunity to get closer to European ports.

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27th January 2021. Rosslare Europort at the south-eastern tip of Ireland, has become the hub of direct trade between the island and the mainland. Cargo volumes to Europe y have quadrupled since Brexit.   (PAUL FAITH / AFP)

Nature abhors a vacuum. According to a report released last December, the share of British products in total Irish imports has fallen by two-thirds. At the same time, trade with Europe has increased: figures from the port of Dublin show traffic to the EU increasing by 36% over the year 2021.

“Since Brexit, the Irish consider that their closest neighbor in the European Union is France.”

Artus Galiay, Director of Nord France Invest for the United Kingdom and Ireland

at franceinfo

The director for the United Kingdom and Ireland of the attractiveness agency Nord France Invest adds: They are therefore doing everything to strengthen their political and economic ties with France.”

Artus Galiay: "The Irish now consider their closest neighbor to be France" (Photo Galiay)

The small port of Rosslare, located at the southeastern tip of the island, has thus become the nerve center of direct trade between the island and the mainland. Freight volumes to Europe quadrupled there.

“Before Brexit, we had 12 direct ferry lines between the two countries, today we are at almost 45, rejoices Artus Galiay. The Irish now consider that their first partner in the European Union is France.”

Other projects are in the pipeline, such as this power line that will connect France and Ireland to open up the island.

Go further

Nord France Invest, the economic promotion agency of Hauts-de-France

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