strong growth in home food shopping delivery services

According to several platforms, this system which makes it possible to limit its movements is more and more popular with the French.

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This is a consequence of the tensions around fuels. Faced with the uncertainty of a return to normal in service stations in France, the French are looking for the economy of the slightest drop of gasoline. Including, therefore, for shopping. Result: home shopping delivery platforms are experiencing a very strong increase, which is reminiscent of the figures reached during the confinements due to Covid-19.

>> Fuel shortage: follow the evolution of the situation

Thus, for the past 15 days, at Picnic, electric delivery vehicles have been coming out more and more often. The online supermarket also displays a magic phrase “free delivery”: “We have seen a very big increase in orders for two weeks, with 20% per week for two weeks. It’s twice the usual rate, assures Grégoire Borgoltz, director of operations. There are new customers and also people who order more or less. On average, people order from us every ten days. There, we see that they come rather every week, order more fresh produce, more often, such as fruit and vegetables, fish and meat…

At Shopopop too, requests are soaring with almost 50% more compared to the same period in 2021. If this delivery service between individuals is paid for – between 5 and 10 euros -, the model is particular: We can make our purchases on the drive-thru site, but instead of going to pick them up, we will be able to have them delivered by the platform every morning”, presents Yohann Ricaut, founder and manager of the company. And he assures us, more and more customers are being tempted. “There, it is true that more people are asking the question of the usefulness of moving around and avoiding consuming this fuel which is expensive and which is becoming increasingly rare to find.“, he slips, before specifying that as a general rule, new customers adopt this mode of delivery once and for all.

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