Stromae’s song is “a major event”, according to a coordinator of the national listening platform

In an interview on TF1 in early January, the Belgian singer unveiled a song in which he clearly evokes his past suicidal thoughts. This has led to an increase in calls to the National Suicide Prevention Platform.

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The passage of the singer Stromae in a newspaper of TF1, at the beginning of January, during which the singer revealed his clip Hell in which he openly discusses his past suicidal thoughts, is “a major event in suicide prevention”, estimated on franceinfo Saturday February 5 Charles-Édouard Notredame, psychiatrist at the University Hospital of Lille and deputy national coordinator for 3114, the national platform for listening and suicide prevention. According to figures from the Ministry of Health, his performance led to a spike in calls to 3114.

The fact that a public figure such as Stromae “talks freely about suicidal thoughts using the word ‘suicide'” is a “major breakthrough” for Charles-Edouard Notredame. This allows to give “Major visibility in the public space to this issue”. The psychiatrist regrets that, so far, suicidal thoughts were “a public health problem that we do not talk about”.

The year 2021 has seen an increase in the number of visits to the emergency room for suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide. “This increase is very noticeable, especially for teenagers and especially for teenage girls”, notes Charles-Édouard Notredame. The increase is estimated at 30% for 11-17 year olds in 2021. Acting out suicide results from a problem “multi-factorial”recalls the psychiatrist. “It would be wrong to attribute it to a single cause, but probably the health crisis has acted on many factors that have made the youngest vulnerable”he explains.

On the occasion of International Suicide Prevention Day, February 5, the suicide prevention call platform reports that 34,000 calls have been recorded to 3114 since it was set up on October 1, 2021.

If you need help, if you are worried or if you are confronted with the suicide of a member of your entourage, you can reach 3114 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Line suicide listening can also be reached on 01 45 39 40 00. Other information is also available on the website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health.

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