Stromae with her son by the sea: hot sand, swimming and sunbathing… photos of the cute duo

Back on the media scene – especially during the DJ Snake concert on June 11, 2022 at the Parc des Princes – Stromae takes it very seriously to spend privileged moments with his son, having himself lost his father when he was not was just a child. Carried away and very busy promoting his new album Multitudethe artist was very sad when his son told him to be sad to spend less time with him.

The last thing I liked was when my son told me he missed me. It touches me, I took care of him, and I continue to take care of him, but it’s true that there during the promotion of the album we saw each other a little less“, he said in April 2022 before adding with emotion that he had been very moved”To hear that ultimately it’s reciprocal, this love and this mutual trust…

Interviewed by Mouloud Achour a little earlier in 2022, he spoke of his fatherhood with great frankness, explaining that it took longer than his wife to realize that he was going to be a father. “There are not really any explanations in fact, it comes, it’s animal (…) My wife had nine months to realize it, me it was not in my body so inevitably it need a little time to acclimatize, get used to it. I didn’t say to myself at that moment ‘I love him unconditionally’, it’s really a gradual thing“, he had thus confided.

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