Stromae: What illness kept him off the radar for years?

Singer Stromae releasing his third album Multitude this Friday, March 4 confided in The Parisian in its issue of March 3, 2022. The opportunity for the Belgian to come back to his health problems, which kept him away from the scene for many years.

Eight years is the time it took for Stromae to return to the spotlight. In 2013, he had a resounding success with his album Square root sold 2.5 million copies. Since then, the 37-year-old singer has experienced a severe slump and even a complete disappearance from radar. Rumors at the time evoked health problems linked to a virus and the origin of serious mood disorders…

I worked too much, I did more than that. And on top of that, this drug, Lariam, an antimalarial with very dangerous side effects, set things on fire. I was not well, II needed to rest, to experience other things, a marriage, a’s so nourishing, it feels so good“ finally explained the interpreter ofThen we dance for our colleagues from Parisian.

A period that could have deprived the singer of a return to the stage and in the studio, as he explained when asked if he had considered stopping music: “In my head, like many people dealing with overwork. But I never said it, I love music too much.

These adventures behind him, Stromae had finally made a comeback this year notably through a remarkable interpretation of his title hell occurred on TF1 in the JT of Anne-Claire Coudray. He had also sparked a controversy by answering a question from the journalist by singing, something unusual in a program as formatted as a news newspaper. The latter had then explained for the Belgian radio RTL: “JI find that an artist who comes to promote his album and his new song, it does not deserve so many questions. I would have been a politician, I can understand. But the…

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