Stromae: Rare secrets about his 3-year-old son, “one of the most beautiful things” in his life

His last album was released nine years ago, Stromae is back in force today. Acclaimed from all sides for his performance on the 8 p.m. newscast, he will be president of the Victoires de la Musique this Friday, live on the Musical Stage and on France 2. But before that, he went to Augustin Trapenard on France Inter and for the first time, the former columnist of Big Newspaper managed to get him to talk about his 3-year-old son.

One of the most beautiful things that has happened to me is my son “, he told the journalist. And besides, it’s him who makes it “feel most alive“.”It’s childhood, it’s life, yes. Say to yourself, when you get home: ‘Yeah, ok, there were interviews, stuff…’ Well, yes: the concerts are great. But afterwards, when we come home, and we just have to cook for him […] it just brings us back to basics“.

We will not know more from the shy Belgian singer, often compared to Jacques Brel for his songs with strong lyrics and his powerful interpretation. Since the birth of the little boy, in September 2018, he is keen to preserve his privacy as much as possible. He almost never mentions him, neither him nor his partner Coralie Barbier, whom he married more than six years ago.

This one regularly has fun posting photos of their little prince and her famous husband, like this summer, during a family vacation or in October, when all three offered themselves the same bracelet. Captioned “Infinite love“, this photo has greatly moved Internet users who learn a little more about the life of the very discreet Stromae. On the other hand, we still do not know the face or the first name of their son.

And there is no doubt that this little boy will see his famous dad on stage for the first time, he who has had to fight against serious health problems in recent years. Indeed, after heavy side effects of a treatment against malaria, the singer of Papaoutai revealed he suffered from burnout and depression, the theme of his latest song Hell.

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