Stromae not tender with the French, this remark which will make people talk

He may handle the language of Molière wonderfully, but he remains a Belgian and proud of it. Indeed, Stromae has never denied his homeland and never hesitates to defend it when given the opportunity. And the opportunity presented itself precisely, during his interview granted to Konbini. The interpreter of Hell lent itself to the famous Fast & Curious of our colleagues and took the opportunity to make some revelations that will not please all fans.

Renaud, for example, would have one more reason not to hook up with someone who left the industry for many years to recharge his batteries and come back “cured” of his depression. Because yes, the 70-year-old French singer gave an interview to the Parisian a few weeks ago and gave his opinion on Stromae, but also Orelsan. Renaud assures him, he appreciates the texts of the two artists. On the other hand, he admits to having a little more trouble with the music. “Orelsan and Stromae, it’s well written, but musically, I don’t catch on. It leaves me cold. I’m too old”he admitted before complimenting a Belgian, despite everything: “Angèle, I would have liked to do a duet with her, but she was on tour”.

Not a fan of our waffles

If Renaud doesn’t really appreciate Stromae’s music, the latter can say the same about a candy that France wouldn’t do the right way. Indeed, during his visit to Konbini for the Fast & Curiousthe one who found Rubix, the little boy in his music video Papaoutaihad to choose between the croissant and the waffle and there… it’s the drama.

“If I’m in France it’s the croissants, because you make them much better than at home”, initially announced the Belgian singer. What to please all the French until the moment when Stromae tackled our way of doing with waffles: “And the waffles, sorry, but you don’t know how to do it”. A tackle, despite everything very nice, but which may not please everyone.

See also: Soprano: “Stromae, that’s all I love!”


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