Stromae imitated by his son, who is embedded in one of his videos!

An album will arrive at some point…“, confided Stromae to Release, in November 2020. The artist kept his promise by announcing the release of his third opus for March 4. His comeback enchants millions of fans, starting with his son, who is embedded in a video published by his dad.

Since his event intervention in the TF1 newspaper and the release of his new single, Hell, Stromae is actively promoting his next album, dubbed Multitude. He reminded his followers on Twitter and Instagram that the project was available for pre-order in a video posted this Friday, February 4, 2022. The singer also showed Internet users that a vinyl would be available.

This is where her 3 year old son came into the picture. When Stromae proudly shows off his new record, the curious little one wondered. “What ?“, he asks his dad. Stromae answered him “This is my new album that I just received“, before showing in detail the cover and its contents.

His son intervened a second time by imitating him and saying: “And There you go !“His little voice cracked the hundreds of Internet users who reacted in comment.

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