striker Mayron George is back

He is back ! Mayron George, 28-year-old striker from Costa Rica, will return to Pau FC next season. Passed in Béarn during the second part of the 2020/2021 season, he had been one of the main architects of the spectacular Pau recoveryand therefore maintenance, thanks to 7 goals and 3 assists in 14 games during the last games of the very first season of the Béarnais in Ligue 2. He played this year in Switzerland, in Lausanne, which left him free at the end of the season.

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Wave of recruits

Mayron George is the third – and for the last hour – of Pau recruits announced in the last 48 hours. Pau FC has also unveiled the signings of Canadian left-back Diyaeddine Abzi, and striker Walid Jarmouni, loaned by Sochaux to Sète in National last season. A little earlier the club had also announced the arrival of defender Jean Ruiz, also trained at Sochaux, and loaned to Boulogne-sur-Mer last year. It is this Friday that Pau FC will be fixed on its calendar for the 2022/2023 seasonthe resumption of training is scheduled for the end of June, already…

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