strike in German transport, another resignation of a British minister, drug trafficking in Europe


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Like every day, the franceinfo evening news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Friday 21 April.

The German stations were deserted, Friday April 21 in the morning. Almost no Deutsche Bahn trains ran. The situation is similar at airports, where many flights have been canceled in recent days. The Germans questioned show solidarity with the strikers, who demand a salary increaseede 12% to compensate for inflation.

UK Deputy Prime Minister resigns

In Britain, Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab resigns. He was the subject of a detailed report and eight harassment complaints. As a counter-attack, he denounced “a very small minority of activist civil servants, with a passive aggressiveness, who do not like certain reformss. A blow for Rishi Sunak, of whom he is the third minister forced to leave office.
On the BBC, there is talk of submarines delivering cocaine to Europe. Two of them were neutralized in Spain. One of them was carrying more than a ton of cocaine. The hub of this traffic would be in Antwerp, Belgium.

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