Strike in childcare centers | No settlement between Quebec and FIPEQ

(Montreal) The most recent negotiations between the government of Quebec and representatives of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers of Quebec (FIPEQ) did not result in a settlement to the union’s satisfaction.

In a brief communication sent on Friday morning, the FIPEQ, affiliated with the CSQ, specifies that sustained discussions to resolve the situation in the childcare centers were held until 3 a.m. on Friday.

Union management announces that it will provide an update later on Friday.

The FIPEQ has an indefinite strike mandate, but has chosen not to exercise it until next week, at least.

The main issue is the salary that must be paid to support employees in early childhood centers (CPE), that is, kitchen, maintenance and administration workers.

The Quebec government offers 6 to 9.3% over three years, depending on the job title. It is thus inspired by the increases granted to State employees in general. The FIPEQ is asking for a 13.6% to 14.8% increase over three years for these support employees.

For its part, the Federation of Health and Social Services (FSSS), affiliated to the CSN, began its mandate of indefinite strike Wednesday morning in the childcare centers where it is present. As for the Quebec Service Employees Union (SQEES), affiliated with the FTQ, has not yet set a date for the start of its strike.

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