The Minister Delegate in charge of Health and Prevention was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday April 8, 2024.
Reading time: 26 min

Frédéric Valletoux, Minister of Health and Prevention, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Monday April 8, 2024. Stretcher bearer attacked in Vendée, announcements from Gabriel Attal on health and health challenge for the Paris Olympics… He answers questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Challans: “A pure case of delinquency”
The state of health of the stretcher bearer attacked by a patient’s relative at Challans hospital in Vendée is improving “slightly” but he remains in intensive care, specifies Frédéric Valletoux. He denounces the “cowardice of this act” and indicates that the suspects were not “arrested”but were “identified thanks to video surveillance”. “This outbreak of violence in an establishment like a hospital where people are there to provide treatment is unacceptable”adds the Minister Delegate in charge of Health and Prevention.
“Rabbit” tax: “We must make patients responsible”
“Doctors complain that sometimes they are asked two or three questions a day. And obviously, put together, millions of appointments are lost each year.”deplores Frédéric Valletoux, justifying the implementation of the “rabbit tax”, to charge 5 euros to patients who do not honor a medical appointment without canceling it at least 24 hours before.
“Doctors who wish, and there are many who complain about this phenomenon, will have the possibility of asking for bank details from patients who telephone for appointments and secretaries to record them”specifies the Minister of Health.
Continuity of care: “In the event of failure of discussions, we will not hesitate to impose an obligation of care where it is necessary”
“The objective is that no French person lives in a territory where there is no guaranteed permanence of care”underlines Frédéric Valletoux. “If we really have to move towards more constrained solutions, we will not hesitate to go there. Where in fact, we will see that in a territory, if by chance, by misfortune, there was no commitment at all doctors to provide and participate in the permanence of care, the State, via the Regional Health Agencies, via requisitions, have every possibility of implementing systems. But this is the final stage”he assures.
Before getting to that point, the Minister of Health is banking on “incitement, through discussion, through negotiation” For “improve everyone’s commitment to ongoing care”. He believes that there is already “a financial incentive” since hours worked outside of business hours, i.e. evenings and weekends, are better paid.
Savings in medical transport: not “sorting out patients”, but “finding ways to contain soaring expenses”
“We’re not going to touch” to “heavy cases”, tries to reassure the minister. In this period of savings, Bercy has medical transport in its sights: ambulances, light medical vehicles (VSL) or approved taxis. “Health transport costs six billion euros, which is no small matter”and they “grew last year by 7%”specifies Frédéric Valletoux. “We must find ways to contain the surge in these expenses”he says.
Olympic Games and risk of heatwave: “The health system is ready. The hospitals are ready”
“We do not expect a peak in attendance in services which will be huge. I want to remind you that Paris is already the number one tourist destination in the world”, explains Frédéric Valletoux. According to him, “hospital services are running [l’été] between 84 and 90% of their usual activity. There, they will allow 100% of usual activity.”
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