strengthening of health pass controls



Article written by

S. Lequesne, H. Tanzit, A. Guillerot-Malick, France 3 Picardie, L. Feuilletbois – France 2

France Televisions

The number of health pass checks by the police has increased in recent days. Now, the police are arriving in large numbers and the recalcitrant are handcuffed. Example at Creil in the Oise.

In Creil (Oise), the incidence rate increased by 80% in one week. Then the operations “punch” multiply. The police come running into a restaurant to create the effect of surprise. Some customers are fined. I am aware that it is 135 euros fine, but we assume “, believes one of them. A little further on, the manager of a fast food restaurant must immediately leave his establishment, unable to show proof of vaccination. Outside, a customer is taken to the post for showing his brother’s health pass.

The operation continues in a tobacco bar: an aggressive man is handcuffed, his document forged. “There were, however, three police officers but the individual did not allow himself to be done. Imagine what he could do to the cafeteria if he opposed him”, highlighted Noël Monteggiani, police commissioner in Creil. In the event of a new infringement of a customer, the boss risks an administrative closure and a fine of 9,000 euros. The police will repeat a check within seven days.

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