Streaming platforms | The lack of visibility of Quebec song worries the music sector

(Montreal) The lack of visibility given to Quebec songs on streaming platforms worries players in the music sector in Quebec. They want the modernization of the Broadcasting Act to resurface on the Ottawa side in order to force large corporations to showcase and fund Canadian content.

Frédéric Lacroix-Couture
The Canadian Press

ADISQ has only just begun to measure the share that local artists obtain in streaming services. It is only since October that a sufficient number of companies have been sharing their specific data for Quebec.

For the last week of October, ADISQ arrived with the observation that among the songs listened to continuously in Quebec, about 7% were from Quebec, all languages ​​combined.

“When you compare with the numbers on radio and record sales, our market share has fallen between three and seven times. So, this is really a collapse in our market share. Our music is struggling to reach its online audience, ”said Jérôme Payette, Executive Director of the Association of Music Publishing Professionals, to The Canadian Press.

Faced with these “preliminary, but not very encouraging” statistics, Mr. Payette and the Director General of ADISQ, Eve Paré, published an open letter this week to remind everyone of the urgency and importance of updating the Broadcasting Act for the music sector.

This reform died on the order paper in the Senate when Parliament was dissolved before the September elections. The bill subject web giants like You Tube and Netflix to federal regulations.

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