Strategy without exit | Le Devoir

When strategy and humanism are absent. The war against Hamas has been going on for ten months, and still no end in sight. The dead and wounded are counted in the thousands. We must recognize the obvious: a military strategy based mainly on revenge does not work. Which is hardly surprising, because Hamas functions essentially on ideology. And any ideology is difficult to defeat, except by another ideology and certainly not by weapons alone.

The Israeli government will have to acknowledge this fact one day, otherwise the conflict will continue to drag on. Only an “ideology” of justice for the Palestinians and peace can put an end to it. But we must believe in it, even if the current Israeli government seems to have lost its mind. But reason will return one day. In the meantime, children are still dying under the bombs in Gaza. I do not believe that they are terrorists affiliated with Hamas… They are, according to the military vocabulary, mere collateral victims… Israel, wake up! Have you lost all humanism, all respect for life, especially that of the innocent?

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