Strasbourg steps up to the plate and calls for the tariff shield for all

The tariff shield for all. Strasbourg – city and Eurometropolis – call with one voice for the extension of this consumer protection measure in the face of soaring gas prices to all subscribers of Electricité de Strasbourg, the main supplier in the agglomeration. A request sent to the Prime Minister and the director of Electricity of Strasbourg in two letters co-signed by the mayor of Strasbourg Jeanne Barseghian and the president of the EMS, Pia Imbs.

“[…] we are asking you so that ÉS Énergies, as the main energy supplier in our territory, translates into a commercial effort the measures announced by Matignon for all of its gas supply offers., ask the two elected to the director of the Strasbourg energy supplier. For several weeks, thousands of subscribers – who hold a monopoly in the Alsatian capital – are paying full price for soaring gas prices. ÉS refuses to apply the price shield to its customers who have subscribed to a market price contract not indexed to the regulated price.

It’s a matter of equity and social justice

“We were challenged locally by a collective of consumers in this situation because they could not subscribe to a commercial offer eligible for the price shield due to market deregulation”, indicate the two elected officials in a letter addressed to Jean Castex. “[…] we ask for your commitment to honor your promise made to all households heating with natural gas by offering a solution equivalent to the tariff shield, allowing consumers who have subscribed to an offer excluding TRVg, to benefit from the same protection as that enjoyed by the majority of French people. It’s a matter of fairness and social justice.”conclude Jeanne Barseghian and Pia Imbs.

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