strangulation, eight broken teeth and the “completely crooked face”!

Star of “Combattantes”, the phenomenon series of TF1, Sandrine Bonnaire lived a real nightmare a few years ago.

In 2019, the actress decides to break the silence in a long interview about a violent man to whom she gave four years of her life.

I had all the bones in my face broken. He wasn’t a violent person. I have not suffered repeated violence. It was someone who freaked out, who ‘strangled’ me against a wall”, she said on the Daily (TMC) set.

“I tried to defend myself, I raised my arms and I passed out. And I found myself two meters away with my face completely askew with my tongue in shreds like fabrics being cut with eight teeth broken and I woke up, I spat out a lot of pieces of teeth, blood. He was still there, he brought me a terry towel. The terry towel got full of blood“, continued Sandrine Bonnaire, determined to help the other victims to free the floor.

The following ? A procedure and a verdict: “The person in question took a two-year reprieve only with a significant financial condemnation because I still had to put 35,000 euros in my dental care plus 20,000 euros because I was followed by a psychologist because I I was very traumatized.”

See also: “Your dwarf, we no longer want to see her”, Mimie Mathy humiliated by a program director!


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