Video length: 2 min.
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A former Vendée Globe skipper had a big scare while sailing in the Strait of Gibraltar. He battled for almost an hour with marine mammals. This is not the first time that killer whales have scared the most seasoned navigators.
The navigation was quiet off the coast of Spain when suddenly, a dozen orcas rushed towards the boat, before surrounding it. A member of the crew filmed the ballet of cetaceans, which attacked the rudder, the submerged part of the rudder. The killer whales struck the hull repeatedly. Fearing a shipwreck, Sébastien Destremau, former skipper, warned the coastguards.
Scientists are struggling to identify the reason for the phenomenon
The sailor did not feel aggressive but these mammals, weighing 7 tons on average, have a frightening power. “It’s really powerful as a shock, they attacked the rudder (…), they took the boat, they made it turn”describes Sébastien Destremau. He was sailing in an area where encounters with killer whales are increasing – they often attack saffron. Defense of their territory, or simple game? Scientists are struggling to identify the reason for the phenomenon.