“Really, it takes a lot of nerve to claim that Canada is a public health threat to Beijing, when if there’s one long-standing scientific truth, it’s that this epidemic originated in China. writes our columnist.
Abracadabrant. There is no better adjective to describe the Chinese regime’s recent theory about the origin of the first alleged case of the Omicron variant detected in Beijing.
Posted at 9:00 a.m.
A resident was reportedly infected on January 11 by a letter sent four days earlier… from Canada, after transiting through the United States and Hong Kong. What are we going to get out next time? That the stamp stuck on the letter was the one illustrated by our cartoonist Serge Chapleau? A little serious, please.
Experts agree that such a risk of transmission is extremely low. Not to mention that this wacky scenario seems to overestimate the speed of Canada Post in terms of delivery! One would have thought, after Meng Wanzhou’s return to China and the release of the two Michaels, that the Chinese regime would seek to ease tensions between our two countries. But by putting his propaganda machine at the service of this theory, he reminds us that the era of confrontation is not over.
Let us ask our elected officials not to draw the wrong lessons from this incident. Not to, for example, be intimidated as they are about to decide whether to exclude Chinese giant Huawei from the country’s 5G network. Really, it takes a lot of nerve to claim that Canada is a public health threat to Beijing, when if there’s one long-standing scientific truth, it’s that this epidemic originated in China.