Straight to the point | Not even a handshake, Mr. Poilievre?


Jean Charest and Pierre Poilievre

Nathalie Collard

Nathalie Collard
The Press

Lack of class, manners or maturity? On Thursday night, Conservative Party leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre refused to shake hands with his opponent, Jean Charest.

Posted yesterday at 9:00 a.m.

He did it in a way that everyone would notice. This childishness has no place in a debate organized by one of the main political parties in the country. This passive-aggressive gesture brings back painful memories: the absolutely unacceptable attitude of Donald Trump towards Hillary Clinton during the debates of the candidates for the presidency of the United States. Same lack of respect for his opponent and for the rules of the political game in general.

The majority of Canadians take pride in our political mores, our politeness and fair play that set us apart from our neighbors to the south. Does Mr. Poilievre want to go down in history as the gravedigger of certain Canadian values? Does he confuse aggression with leadership? And are the more moderate members of the Conservative Party going to let him slaughter the conservative brand without flinching? One thing is certain, we expect a little more height from a man who aspires to the highest office in the country. Next time, Mr. Poilievre, reach out your hand.

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