Storms revealing the climate emergency

Climate change has long given subliminal signs of its severity. Today, we can really assess their full extent: violent storms, tornadoes, torrential rains, major heat waves and much more. Provincial and federal governments should imperatively take seriously the risks associated with global warming.

With the rise in the price of oil, we have noticed how dependent Quebec is on fossil fuels. However, it is essential to radically reduce the global consumption of fossil fuels, since this is extremely harmful to the environment. Unfortunately, although small individual gestures are important, it is difficult to have a real impact without any convincing legislation in this regard. Moreover, when we know that Canadian investments in the oil and gas sector are expected to increase by 22% in 2022, it is completely absurd to hope to see this radical, but necessary, change take place.

With the storm that Quebec experienced on Saturday, May 21, it is easy to see how climate change is becoming a real threat to our security. Several photos circulate of uprooted trees or damaged houses, among others. Unfortunately, weather phenomena will only get worse if nothing concrete is put in place to protect the environment. By the same token, our safety and that of future generations are greatly at risk. It is time for Quebec and Canada to take concrete and effective action on this crucial issue that affects us more and more.

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