Storm Ciaran: a parrot warns its owners of a fire



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Storm Ciaran: a parrot warns its owners of a fire

On the night of November 5 to 6, the Baby parrot may have saved the lives of its owners. Around 5 a.m., he alerted them of danger, a start of fire. Narrative. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – T. Paga, A. Plougoulm, M. Beaudouin, R. Massini, P. Lacotte, France 3 Iroise

France Televisions

On the night of November 5 to 6, the Baby parrot may have saved the lives of its owners. Around 5 a.m., he alerted them of danger, a start of fire. Narrative.

The Baby parrot is said to be very shy. HAS 5 hours in the morning, in the night ofNovember 5 to 6, his ventriloquist skills surely saved lives. “Towards 5 hours in the morning, he started to cough (…) and then he gave us said: ‘C‘is hot’. So, that was something quite surprising. We got up at that point to check what was happening. We noticed that there was a rather strange smell in the house. He tried to warn us that something bad was happening.”says its owner.

“A true hero”

The firefighters arrived shortly after. Contacted, they confirmed that a cable, torn by the storm Ciarancreated a short circuit in the dishwasher outlet. THE couple risked smoke poisoning, and even a fire. “We already knew that Baby was exceptional, but here it was (…) a true hero”the owner is moved. The firefighters remind us that a parrot will never replace a smoke detector, but before leaving, they gave the couple advice: leave a telephone next to the perch.

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