Video length: 3 mins.
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More and more DIY stores are developing their green label, for more eco-responsible products. But what are these labels really worth?
DIY wants to be displayed in green. Eco-responsible labels are multiplying on the shelves and each brand wants to develop its own. But what are these labels worth? At Leroy Merlin, we bet on the introduction of the Home Index label, which allows a classification of products to know the environmental impact of products. In total, the Home index concerns around sixty products, for an approach that is intended to be virtuous and that inspires confidence. “In terms of price, we noticed that there was no difference”assures Alice Fruchard, sustainable offer manager in the brand.
A lack of uniform labels
Labels that have become selling points, pushing each brand to develop their own. But faced with the proliferation of labels, some customers no longer find themselves there. “We need to define a common standard, easily understandable for the consumer,” says Jean-Luc Guéry, president of the INOHA association. But for the Zéro Waste France association, the labels have above all a commercial vision, instead of promoting reuse and reuse solutions. Before a regulation comes into being, several DIY brands are in discussion to develop a common label.