“Stop with that!” : Gims, very annoyed, attacks subscribers for a puzzling reason …

The rapper married to two women therefore became a specialist in the Koran and reminded his “brothers” of the good practices of the Muslim religion according to him. “Come on, let’s focus on our own stuff. Let’s stay strong on our values, our own things. During Eid, all those who have Thanksgiving, quiet, they do not do Eid. Christmas, we respect, but it’s not our holidays“, he repeats.

Same thing for his birthday, the member of the group Sexion d’Assaut (previously of Christian religion but who converted to Islam in 2004) absolutely does not want anyone to wish him because according to him, “it is one more step towards death.

Shocked by Gims’ comments, many Internet users tackled the rapper on Twitter: “GIMS = GUIGNOL“,”Loooooool GIMS, happy new year 2022“,”Gims telling Muslims what is right to do and what not to do. No tree, no happy new year. The guy runs around with half-naked girls, he shows his outward signs of wealth. May Allah make it easier for you to wear Chanel caps and gold chains, the height of bad taste“,”Gims when he was looking at the choice of dresses with the dancer in his music video Bella: Let go of the Kelly veil and put on this tight little red dress with a bare back instead, it will look good on you!“,”In France, no one is forced to do or not to do in the name of a religion. It is one of the fundamental principles of the Republic, how is it necessary to remind you of it?“, could we read in particular.

We also expect at any time a reaction from Valérie Pécresse, who had received the support of Gims for the regional – she was not able to recognize it – and who is the spokesperson for supposed essential facts in France such as having a fir, she said in December on France 3.

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