“Stop touching my ass!” : Jean-Luc Reichmann groped in the public of the 12 Coups!

In The 12 noon shots, Jean-Luc Reichmann receives daily candidates who come to spread out their general knowledge in order to collect nice sums of money. And between two questions, the host does not miss an opportunity to be humorous. Tuesday May 10, 2022, while he was rubbing shoulders with the public, he revealed that he had been groped!

The very first question on today’s show was about music. It was thus asked who composed the famous tube Bohemian Rapsody. The contestant had a choice between Leonard Bernstein and a mystery answer, which turns out to be Freddie Mercury. Unsurprisingly, she validated the second possibility and got it right. It was then that the song started in the background, to the delight of the spectators present on the set.

The star of Léo Matteï, miners’ brigade, a successful TF1 series, then rose. “Arms in the air, everyone! And now you suddenly rise“, loose Jean-Luc Reichmann before joining in turn the benches of the public. He passes between the rows, continues the animation of the 12 noon shots while Zette introduces the next candidates to try their luck. True to form, the charming 61-year-old brunette is humorous. “Don’t touch my ass, lady!“, he swings as he continues to walk around in the audience. The two women behind him then have fun with this joke. Finally, Jean-Luc Reichmann returned to the set to welcome the next candidates of the 12 noon shots.

Joy and good humor in the show, shortly after the terrible confessions of some participants. Recall that at the beginning of May, he had received Harmonie, a mother accused of having shaken her baby. On the set, in front of the public and the cameras, she told her moving story. A few days earlier, Jean-Luc Reichmann discovered the story of another woman, the victim of a double homicide attempt on the part of her husband’s ex-wife! Ever crazier and more unusual stories!

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