“Stooge”, Cyril Hanouna calls for appeasement with Louis Boyard, the former columnist responds violently

This Thursday March 14, 2024,
Cyril Hanouna
was heard by deputies in the National Assembly. Faced with the commission of inquiry, the PAF troublemaker returned to his clash with Louis Boyard on the set of Do not touch My TV. The star host of Channel 8 explained in particular that he felt “betrayed” by the one he considered his “pal”.

Also see: “This is the only thing we will remember”, the paf troublemaker reacts after the broadcast of “Additional investigation”

“A bourgeois son”

For him, the deputy for La France Insoumise owes him a lot. An opinion that the main person concerned does not share. “He said in particular: ‘It’s thanks to me, Cyril Hanouna, if Louis Boyard was elected deputy. So, I was very surprised, I thought that Cyril Hanouna lived in the beautiful neighborhoods of Boulogne-Billancourt Not that he lived in the 3rd constituency of Val-de-Marne […] I also heard him say: ‘It was me, Cyril Hanouna, who launched Louis Boyard’. While I thought that my political involvement began when I was 17 when I blocked my high school for 3.4 months because of Valérie Pécresse”, launched the politician during a conference in Nanterre.

And to add: “I remind you, it’s a bourgeois son who started his television career by blowing a dog’s ass ! But let’s admit, let’s say it, if I owe my election, if I owed my election to a single person, it is not to Cyril Hanouna. This person is next to me, his name is Jean-Luc Mélenchon!”

Far from stopping there, Louis Boyard has done it again. “He says we were friends, it’s embarrassing, I was never his friend, because, me, my friends, they are not afraid to denounce the pillaging of Bolloré in Africa. Me, my friends, they don’t serve the hand of the extreme right! Me, my friends, they are not show business hypocrites […] As for Cyril Hanouna, he’s a stooge, and I’m interested in the real problems, that is to say Vincent Bolloré! His rival will appreciate…


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